Happy family driving to Mexico while on vacation.


Are you thinking of crossing the border to Mexico for vacation? Before packing your things, get a head start with these tips below.

美国和墨西哥之间的陆地边界是世界上最繁忙的国际过境点. Hundreds of thousands of people, 整个家庭和车辆每天从这一边到那一边去上班, visit family and even go shopping, sightseeing or on vacation.

如果你想开车去墨西哥,在度假时开车穿越南部边境, or during the winter holidays, 下面是一些最常被问到的问题的答案,这些问题你可能也在问自己. 让我们开始吧!

What are the restrictions for driving between Mexico and the U.S. 由于COVID-19?

Due to the pandemic, the U.S. 从2020年3月开始限制与墨西哥和加拿大陆地边界的入境. 然而,从那时起,这些限制适用于进入美国的国际旅客.S. 而不是永久的美国.S. residents or citizens coming back into the country. For its part, Mexico never placed any restrictions on entry. 此外, U.S. 政府宣布 它将很快向出示COVID-19疫苗接种证明的国际旅行者开放边境.

What do I have to pay to drive across the border?

墨西哥公民不需要付费,但必须出示他们的墨西哥证件, 比如护照, 身份证, certified copy of their birth certificate or naturalization certificate, 领事身份证, 等. 美国公民.S. 和其他在墨西哥停留超过7天的国家必须支付非居民费(DNR)。, 哪项授予不经许可前往该国从事有偿活动的权利. For 2021, the established fee is 594 Mexican pesos, which equals about $30. 可以说,在某种程度上,支付费用和支付旅游签证是一样的. 如果你在进入墨西哥时没有付款,并且决定停留超过7天, you will be charged when you go to return to the U.S. 有关这些要求和其他要求的更多信息,请查看指南 英雄伙伴 published by the Mexican government (only available in Spanish).

Can I drive across the border in my own car?

是的. 然而, if you are thinking about travelling in further than the border cities, 你需要提前完成一些交易,我们稍后再讨论. Furthermore, you'll have to pay some fees and carry documentation with you.

What do I need to travel to Mexico by car?

In order to enter the country in a 车辆, 您必须持有有效的临时车辆进口许可证(稍后会详细介绍),并在挡风玻璃上贴上许可证贴纸. 您还需要您的驾驶执照(当前的和良好的信誉),以及显示您的移民身份的文件.

How do I get a permit to enter Mexico in my 车辆?

事务被称为 Temporary Vehicle Importation and you can complete it online via Banjercito, a governmental entity of Mexico. 它允许你在六个月的时间内多次往返,并且严格适用于非公民(游客)和美国公民身份的墨西哥人.S. residents that want to enter Mexico with a 车辆 from the U.S. Mexicans who are permanent residents of the U.S. must show their Green Card, U.S. 护照或护照卡.

Do I need to pay to enter Mexico in my 车辆?

是的. 临时车辆进口许可证的费用以美元支付(或等值的墨西哥比索)。, 如果在将车辆带入墨西哥前10至60天通过Banjercito在线办理,则费用略低(45美元+税). 如果您在入境时在海关或在墨西哥驻美国领事馆进行交易,则需要额外支付一些费用.S. ($51 +税). In addition to this payment, 然而, 您必须支付保证金,以确保车辆在规定的时间内归还. 总额(以美元计) depends on the year of the 车辆:

  • 2007年及以后:400美元
  • 2001–2006: $300
  • 2000年及以上:200美元

While the permit is still valid, 当你去永久取消许可证时,你可以在墨西哥Banjercito实体的边境办事处收回这笔钱.

是我的U.S. auto insurance good in Mexico?

国际旅行者必须证明他们有能力对在墨西哥开车时发生的任何身体损害或身体伤害承担经济责任. 即使你.S. pp王者电子官网公司试图在距离边境一定距离的范围内为你提供保护, 来自美国的pp王者电子官网.S. or Canada is not seen as valid according to Mexican law. 换句话说, if you drive into Mexico beyond the border zones, 你必须从墨西哥共和国的公司获得责任pp王者电子官网(也称为“第三方责任”). You'll be able to find one easily doing an internet search and, 无论如何, you'll see the offices of different companies and Mexican insurance 经纪人 at various international crossings.

Is it dangerous to drive to Mexico around the holidays?

这是一个棘手的问题,因为根据你问谁,你可能会得到不同的答案. 美国.S.-Mexico border is almost two thousand miles long. With so many connecting highways, 国际桥梁, border crossings and ports of entry, 肯定有一些路线比其他路线更危险, theft and even extortion by real or fake police officers have been reported. 尽管如此, 随着“十二月的节日”——冬季假期的临近, hundreds of thousands of Mexicans, and Americans of Mexican descent, take off to Mexico to visit family in 车辆s loaded with gifts for them. Due to the possible dangers, 成千上万的车辆和家庭组成机动大篷车,在边境附近聚集在一起,作为一个整体进行旅行. Offering protection to one another, 这些大篷车也经常受到警察和军队的保护, 由墨西哥当局授予,以支持“英勇的同胞”。. 如果你想在12月去墨西哥旅游,可以考虑一下这些机动大篷车. They are easy to find by searching on social media sites or on travel blogs.

Now that you have information to help you prepare for your trip to Mexico, learn other travel safety tips about how to be alert when 使用休息区, driving in heavy traffic, 入住酒店 或者如果你遇到 恶劣的天气 在路上.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm无关的各种来源® (包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 状态 Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.


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