
What to consider when choosing a beneficiary for life insurance or other financial accounts

Learn what a beneficiary is and factors to consider when naming a beneficiary.


受益人是个人, entity or a trust nominated by an account holder or insurance policyholder to receive the benefits or proceeds from a life insurance policy or financial accounts (such as pension or 退休账户) when the account holder or policyholder passes away. 受助人在法律上有权接受这笔资金. 根据账户的不同,分配可能是免税的.

  • 人寿pp王者电子官网单的受益人. The owner of the life insurance policy 将 designate beneficiaries or entities that the person wants to financially protect after the policyholder passes away. These beneficiaries receive the death benefit which can be used for various purposes, 比如还清债务, 支付丧葬费用或仅仅作为经济支持.
  • 财务账户受益人. 一般, the beneficiary for a retirement account or pension is the surviving spouse, 除非配偶放弃这项权利. Some 退休账户 or plans may have different rules for designating beneficiaries. Check with your employer or financial institution about the rules pertaining to your plan. For these account types, a beneficiary also decides how to make use of the funds. With other financial accounts, such as 投资 or CDs, the rules are less restrictive.


当你有这样的账户 人寿pp王者电子官网单, 投资、退休金计划及 退休账户因此,指定受益人是很重要的. Upon your death, proceeds from these accounts 将 typically go directly to the beneficiaries and 绕过遗嘱认证, which can be a slow and expensive legal process of distributing your assets after you pass. Assigning beneficiaries allows you to fulfill your intentions and possibly avoid some conflict among family members at the time of your passing. 此外,受益人的指定通常是灵活的. You can review the beneficiaries list at any time and adjust it as your priorities in life change.


Choosing a beneficiary is a very personal decision, and different for everyone. 在某些情况下, 人们想用死亡抚恤金来保护他们所爱的人, 而其他人可能更多地将其视为一笔金融交易. Here are some tips to keep in mind when you are selecting your beneficiary.

  • 可保利益 – The person or entity named as a beneficiary must have an insurable interest in the insured person. 而被pp王者电子官网人一般有权指定任何受益人, 双方之间必须仍然存在合法的经济利益. 在很多情况下, 受益人依靠被pp王者电子官网人提供经济支持, 比如配偶或受抚养的子女, so t在这里 is an apparent financial interest and purpose of insurance between the parties.
  • 年龄 -许多pp王者电子官网公司, 养老金计划, 退休账户也不会向18岁以下的人支付福利. A better option may be to create a trust for the minor and name a trustee to manage the account until the child reaches the age you specify in the trust.
  • 管理金钱的能力 -如果您的受益人不能 管理资金,可以考虑 建立信任 并指定一个受托人代表他们投资和支付资金.
  • 应急 – Name a secondary beneficiary so that if your first beneficiary dies before you, the account proceeds pass directly to the secondary beneficiary without probate.
  • 选项 – Your beneficiary can be a spouse, child, or other individual(s); a trust; a 慈善机构 或组织. 如果你没有指定受益人, your assets 将 go into your 房地产 and be distributed according to your .
  • 国家或政策人寿pp王者电子官网受益人规则 – Some states or insurance companies might restrict who you can name as your beneficiary. Consult an attorney to provide legal guidance for these state specific issues.
  • 遗产作为受益人 -通常不建议给你的 房地产 as a beneficiary, since doing so means those assets may be subject to probate.


因为一生中有太多的事情可以改变,可以考虑 reviewing your beneficiary designations every few years — and after a life event such as a 结婚、生孩子、收养、离婚、再婚或死亡 -确认它们是电流. Otherwise, you may risk leaving the proceeds to an ex-spouse or someone who has died before you.

Get specific information about beneficiaries from a legal or tax adviser. 联系 your agent or insurance company to make any beneficiary designation changes.

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从你的收入到你孩子未来的教育, 以下是购买人寿pp王者电子官网时需要考虑的问题.


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