


Use these tips to help you tackle your annual spring cleaning before spring showers turn to summer’s flowers. Take some time to give your home a checkup to help it operate more efficiently with some 家居保养小贴士.


春天带来了温暖的天气——这是一个打扫卫生的季节, 清理杂物,攻击所有的缝隙, 你整个冬天都忽略了裂缝和灰尘. 即使有很长的待办事项清单,也一定要练习 春季大扫除安全.

找不到前进的动力? 这里有一些想法可以帮助你度过一天:

  • 如果你喜欢音乐, 在开始之前, 把能让你站起来动起来的歌列在一起.
  • 没人想在做了一整天的清洁工作后再做晚饭. 在你开始工作的前一天或早上准备晚餐.
  • Prioritize your list of things you want to do — t在这里's nothing like "checking off" items and seeing what you've accomplished.


你会想要跟随一个 整理和组织的模式 在使用洗涤器和抹布之前. 开始在一个房间里整理你的家,把那个房间里的东西都拿出来. 问问自己,“我是喜欢这件东西还是真的需要它??” If the answer is no, start a donate pile and a toss pile and place items appropriately. Be sure to get rid of all those things as quickly as possible — before you change your mind. 如果答案是肯定的,整理你打算保留的东西.

在你整理和重新组织之后,是时候解决一些问题了 打扫屋子 项目.


清洁和整理厨房有几个好处. 当组织, 在冰箱里看东西要容易得多, 冰箱, 橱柜和食品柜. 首先,你要把每个空间里的东西都拿出来. 然后检查过期日期. Toss anything that is expired along with those items that are 太 tempting to eat (and you probably shouldn’t eat). 如果你有没有过期的食物,你不打算保存, 考虑把它们捐给当地的食品储藏室.

你可以考虑按类别组织——谷物, 罐头食品, 乳制品, 水果等等. 然后给物品的存放地点加上标签. 贴标签可以让你在购物后更容易把杂货放好.

并且一定要遵循“先进先出”的存货法——先进, 先出-意思, 先用旧的,把最新的放在后面. It’s always a great idea to check stock of what you already have before you leave for shopping — you won’t spend extra money buying something you already have.


在浴室里,要考虑的不仅仅是基本的擦拭. You’ll want to pull out everything in the bathroom — especially from those hard-to-reach areas in the back of drawers and cabinets. Keep only what is being used and dispose of everything else in the correct manner.



看看你平时打扫时漏掉的地方. And be sure to look under those easy to forget things — beds, dressers, nightstands and couches. 现在是时候移动家具和地毯来清洁地板了. 在把地毯放回去之前,你需要用吸尘器把地毯的底部吸干净. Vacuuming of your carpets, in the average household, should be done at least twice a week. 它们应该是 每12个月清洗一次 这可能会因使用、交通、孩子、吸烟和宠物而有所不同.

别忘了抬头看——哎呀,那个角落里有蜘蛛网吗? 是吊扇还是灯具 满身尘土? 那些通风口和排气扇看起来怎么样? 一定要把这些表面都擦干净. 你可以带着吸尘器去看看.

别忘了那些窗花. You can toss sheer curtains in the dryer on the fluff setting to help remove light dust. 用于百叶窗, 拿一副棉质手套, 一桶水和一点点肥皂混合在一起, 如果窗帘真的很脏,可以加点醋, 把手伸进桶里, 然后擦拭食指和拇指之间的板条. 从上到下. 用干净的干布擦拭每一块板条.


硬木地板: 在添加任何水分之前,你要确保清除任何污垢. 使用一个 扫帚或超细纤维干拖把 会帮助去除污垢吗. 水可能是你地板最大的敌人,会造成损害. When it’s time to deep clean the floor, make sure you use the appropriate type products for the wood. The floor manufacturer can provide information regarding how to clean your floor — you don’t want to damage the floor or void a warranty by doing it wrong.

超细纤维: 它们很卫生,通常不需要清洁产品,而且很容易使用. 超细纤维 acts like a magnet causing even the tiniest dirt particles to stick to the cloth and not just moving the particles from place to place. 一块好的超细纤维布贴在你的皮肤上感觉“有刺”. If you don’t like that feeling, you can wear latex gloves, and if you have a latex allergy try vinyl.

磨砂: 不要扔掉那把旧牙刷. 它们在清洁方面做得很好,尤其是在狭小的空间里. 老, zero-balance gift cards make for a good scraper — instead of using that perfectly manicured fingernail.

解决方案: 用半个柠檬擦拭水龙头上的水渍. 把柠檬的另一半挤到半杯水里, 把果皮扔进去, 把溶液用微波炉加热三分钟, 然后让门关着,让它静置. 五分钟后,擦去因蒸汽而脱落的污垢. T在这里 are many household products that you can use to make cleaning solutions that aren’t harmful and have no chemicals.



  • 独立式冰箱的顶部积满了灰尘和油脂. 一旦清洗干净,用保鲜膜覆盖,以保持这种状态. 根据需要更换.
  • 用枕套清洁吊扇叶片. Roll the case back, slide it over the blade and then close it while pulling it back along the blade.
  • 使用棉线滚筒“除尘”灯罩.
  • 棉签更容易清洁冰箱垫圈等缝隙, 在水龙头和键盘后面.
  • 清洗淋浴喷头, 用白醋装满一个塑料袋, secure it over the shower head — a rubber band should hold it — and let it sit overnight. When removed the next morning, be sure to run the water for a minute before jumping in.


  • 清洁木制品,如踢脚板、门框和门.
  • 把你所有的电器都拿出来,清理它们的后面和下面.
  • 清洁冰箱和冰柜垫圈.
  • 擦拭橱柜正面,清洁排水管和塞子.


不要过度使用产品 - It’s wasteful and costs money not only for the extra product that needs to be purchased, 但也要为额外的水支付额外的漂洗费用.

遵循的方向 -如果清洁工说“等五分钟”,然后给自己五分钟的时间——这样做是有原因的. 当它变干的时候,转移到别的东西上,这样你就不会浪费时间. Be sure to stick to whatever the time frame is suggested — you don’t want the product to dry.


你已经打扫干净了,一切看起来都很好. 这里有一些你可能也想考虑的家庭保养技巧:

  • 热水器 -看看你的 热水器 有泄漏. 热水器的平均寿命是8到12年. 如果你的热水器已经使用了5年以上, 每月检查一次底部是否有渗漏或生锈现象. 如发现漏水或生锈,应更换热水器. 如果你住在一个水特别硬的地方, you may need to periodically drain the 热水器 to remove sediment buildup in the tank. 一定要按照制造商的说明去做.
  • 地下室和阁楼 -你的阁楼或地下室有霉味吗? 如果你有阁楼,检查一下屋顶是否漏水. Inspect the underside of the roof and the insulation closely for any discoloration, 变质或污迹, 因为漏水的水可能已经干涸了. 检查地下室的墙壁, 地板和装饰是否有水渍或地基渗水的迹象. 引发洪水的原因有很多,你可以了解更多 潮湿的地下室 准备. 当你在下面的时候, 密切关注你的水泵, making sure your sump pump is still in good working order and has a battery backup in place if necessary.


  • 检查空调 -有一个合格的暖通空调承包商,最好是属于 美国空调承包商协会 组织起来,出来把你的空调系统调一下. 帮助你降低能源费用, do this every year to ensure the system is running at its manufacturer-rated efficiency. 还要确保检查系统的冷凝水排放软管, 特别是如果你生活在潮湿的气候中. This hose could become clogged with algae and sediment and your contractor may charge you more to clean it out. 为了避免这些额外的费用,你可以自己定期检查软管. 用湿式真空吸尘器吸出任何堵塞物.
  • 检查屋顶和排水沟 夏天炎热的太阳会很快损坏屋顶的瓦, so you may want to call a contractor if you haven't inspected your roof in several years. 把排水沟里的树叶清理干净 和落水管里. Then check to see if the gutters are safely attached and haven't sprung any leaks. Also, make sure the downspouts are positioned to direct water away from the home's foundation
  • 检查地基 -用于进一步的地下室防洪, 在春雨来临之前检查房屋周围的地基. 密封任何裂缝或缺陷,如有必要请承包商. Also look for low areas in the yard near the foundation that might pool water during a heavy rain. 用压实的土填满这些院子里的洼地,使它们平整. 照料院子周围的其他“积水”区域, 太, 因为一场大雨之后, 死水会形成. 这些水坑可能是蚊子的滋生地.
  • 涂甲板密封胶 - If you have a patio deck, inspect the wood for stains, discolorations or warping. 如果你发现了,考虑重新密封甲板. 来验证您的旧应用程序是否仍然可以工作, 把一些水倒在干甲板上,看它是否会凝结起来. 大多数甲板密封剂制造商建议每年重新密封一次. 检查是否有尖锐的边缘,劈裂或腐烂的木头. Also look for rusting nails or any nails that are coming out or weakening their connections. And be sure to check the railings and stairs to make sure they are secure and not wobbly.
  • 准备好土壤 春天是为花园的新生长做准备的季节. 把树叶和其他冬天剩下的碎片耙成床. 用锄头搅松土壤,加入堆肥以补充养分. 如果你要种下新的种子, 为了获得最佳效果,请按照种子包装上的说明进行操作.

这听起来可能需要很多工作, 但需要一些组织和定期维护, you’ll get through your spring cleaning and help keep your home in tip-top shape.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.







High humidity is not only uncomfortable, it can also threaten your home’s structure and surfaces.


室内灰尘会使哮喘和过敏患者感到不舒服. 发现有助于减少或消除家中灰尘的技巧.


定期维护洗衣机可以帮助减少故障和昂贵的水损坏. 学习如何清洁你的洗衣机等等.


你弄得一团糟, 但在你把洗衣机打开之前, take time to learn a few tips that might help prevent damage to what you are washing.