


退休意味着从积累金融资产到从中产生收入的转变. That transition can be difficult if you don't have a plan in place. 你应该为退休开支做多少预算?你如何关注退休收入计划? That can be a worrisome question, and some might not know the answer. 这可能会导致他们在为退休做充分计划方面做得不够. Some might even ignore creating retirement income strategies completely. 但是今天缺乏计划不应该导致明天缺乏计划.


为退休做预算可能很困难. 当涉及到工作后的岁月, 许多人可能不知道如何为自己的晚年做预算. 他们希望享受退休后的自由,但可能不确定如何平衡退休储蓄在固定支出和可自由支配的支出(包括旅行)上的支出, 爱好及其他. 所有这些都转化为关于退休支出策略的许多问题.

预算从来没有真正停止过,在退休期间尤其重要,因为收入来源可能更有限. A retirement budget is an essential tool in understanding 你需要多少收入 为你的退休生活提供资金.

Keep in mind that financial experts estimate you'll need between 退休前收入的70%-90% to maintain your standard of living in retirement. This estimate can help determine if your budget is realistic.

帮助你开始预算, 把你的固定开支加起来——你知道你退休后每个月都会有的开支. By reviewing the list of common retirement expenses below, 你可以开始对你退休后的个人生活成本有一个大致的了解. 它还提供了一些你在制定退休预算时应该考虑的项目.

  • 住房: 这可能包括财产税, pp王者电子官网, 公用事业公司, 回家修理, 家居保养及家居用品.
  • 税收: Your income such as Social 安全, 401k and IRAs, may be subject to taxes.
  • 交通: 随着通勤需求——甚至是多辆车的需求——的减少,这一类的日常成本可能会下降. 然而, budgets should still include fuel, pp王者电子官网, maintenance and repairs.
  • 医疗保健: 这类人往往随着年龄的增长而增加. It encompasses health pp王者电子官网 but not long-term care costs.
  • 食物: 随着人们年龄的增长, 由于退休人员可能有更多的时间在家做饭,需要养活的人更少,食品支出可能会减少.
  • 通讯: Many retirees prefer to stay connected with family, friends and current events. Remember to include items such as cellphone service, internet and cable as part of your retirement expenses.
  • 慈善机构: Some retirees continue budgeting for charitable donations.

在你算出你的固定开支之后, 算出你的可自由支配开支,也就是你计划花钱在可选择的事情上. 这些费用可能包括娱乐费用, 旅行, hobbies and other perks that can make life more enjoyable.


手头有了预算,是时候考虑如何在退休后创造收入了. 在一般情况下, 退休人员可能会依赖几个不同的储蓄和投资账户,并可能继续工作来帮助他们退休. 退休 income categories might include:

  • 社会保障: 它的结构是根据你一生的收入来代替你退休前收入的一定比例. Generally, you can start your withdrawals as early as age 62. 然而, doing so means that you'll reduce your benefits — permanently. 如果你再等几年 until your 法定退休年龄, t在这里 is no reduction in benefits. In fact, every year that you wait past age 62 increases your 福利水平. 等你到达你的 法定退休年龄 将你的金额增加到 每月100%的福利. And delaying until age 70 boosts that by about 62岁以上77%的人受益.
  • 养老金: 这些基金是由一些雇主创建和资助的,目的是在雇员退休时为他们提供收入.
  • 养老金: An 年金 能提供额外的固定收入吗. 这些产品提供终身(或特定时期)的每月支付,以换取单一的, 预付pp王者电子官网费或一系列pp王者电子官网费.
  • 兼职工作: At the time of the 2020 Census it was reported that 年龄在65-74岁之间的人中有近27% 我们还在工作. 兼职工作所产生的收入可以帮助支付开支,并经常给人一种使命感.
  • 投资组合: 有几个因素会影响你期望从退休储蓄中提取多少收入. Some important factors you may want to consider include your retirement age, life expectancy assumptions and your portfolio’s diversification.
    • Traditional Individual 退休 Account (IRA) or Roth IRA: These individually funded accounts grow tax deferred. 供款有年度限额,但50岁及以上的人可以补缴.
    • 401k: 一些雇主提供的401k计划是一项提供税收优惠的退休储蓄计划. 计划通常有一个组件 雇主匹配 a percentage of whatever an employee contributes. 对于50岁及以上的人来说 追赶的条款 allows contributing an additional amount above the maximum contribution.
  • 人寿pp王者电子官网: 保单的收益可以为那些留下的人提供照顾和生活费用,或者为亲人的遗产计划提供资金, 事业或组织.

Whatever path you choose, just remember that having 多种收入来源 in retirement can help increase the flexibility of your retirement income plan. 制定一个退休计划可能有助于解决你对波动性和寿命的担忧,同时还能让你有机会为退休愿景提供充足的资金.

What happens if you must start retirement earlier than planned?

对许多人来说,退休计划包括他们想要退休的明确时间. 但经济衰退、健康问题或家庭需求可能会引发意想不到的提前退休. 如果你必须比计划提前退休,你可能会担心如何保持你的财务状况. Here are some ways to help navigate unexpected changes.

  • 削减开支. 回顾你的开支并寻找 省钱的方法. Perhaps you're paying for things like subscriptions, gym memberships or lawn care services that you could go without. 考虑在家里吃饭,而不是出去吃饭,甚至在网上和电话服务上到处购物,以获得更低的价格.
  • 缩小. 减少一些最大的固定成本, 比如住房, might help you close any gaps in your new financial reality. 比如,搬到小一点的房子或者 从房子里搬出来 买一套公寓可以帮助你减少或消除每月的抵押贷款支付,从而在你的预算中腾出额外的资金.
  • 考虑一个新的邮政编码. 搬到另一个城市或州 might help lower your overall cost of living. 在一个负担得起的地区, you may pay less for housing as well as taxes, 公用事业公司, 食品杂货和医疗保健. 然而, consider the impact moving might have on other aspects of retirement, such as whether you'd have to 旅行 to see family.
  • 找一份灵活的兼职工作. If you're forced into early retirement but can still work, a 兼职工作 might help you stretch your retirement funds. You might enjoy consulting or teaching on the side, 而另一些人则发现零工经济——比如为拼车或送货服务工作——既能提供收入,也能控制他们的日程安排.
  • 重新审视你的退休愿景. 最终,你可能无法使你的新预算符合你以前的退休愿景. Whether you planned on 旅行ing the world or relaxing by the beach, take time to revisit the life you want to live in retirement vs. what you can afford, and decide on a new strategy to help you get t在这里.

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本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm®无关的各种来源(包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable pp王者电子官网 policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.


Good reasons to keep working after retirement

确定, 你可以放松, but working after retirement boosts mental, 物理, 社会和经济健康.


It's never too late to put aside more savings for retirement.

Will you have enough saved by retirement age?

你知道你需要存钱,但要存多少? 估计你未来的退休收入.

准备退休? 要问的问题
