
What is Individual Disability Income Insurance?

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解决在长期残疾期间提供收入问题的一种办法是 purchase individual disability income insurance.

What to look for in a disability policy

  • Definition of disability: Are education, 在确定被pp王者电子官网人是否有资格恢复工作时考虑到经验和过去的收入? Many policies provide for an initial "own occupation"1 definition of disability, for a specified period of time, 之后,对残疾的定义就不同了.
  • Partial or residual benefits: 在某些保单中,当伤残使被pp王者电子官网人只能履行部分职责时,可支付部分或剩余伤残津贴. 这项规定也可在残疾使被pp王者电子官网人的收入减少一定数额的情况下给付津贴.g. 20% or more) from pre-disability levels.
  • Cost of living adjustment: 是否有生活费用调整(COLA)会增加残疾后的福利支付?
  • Cancelability and renewability of policy: 除未支付保费外,保单是否不可取消或保证可续期? 不可撤销一般是指pp王者电子官网人不能撤销pp王者电子官网单, 变更保单条款或增加保单保费的, as long as premiums are paid on a timely basis. 保证可续期与此类似,但允许pp王者电子官网公司增加保费.
  • Waiting and elimination period: 等待期或“取消”期是否适合被pp王者电子官网人的情况? 通常可用的期限包括30、60、90、180和360天. Naturally, the longer the elimination period one selects, the lower his or her premium payments will be. However, a person's needs, 现金储备和收入来源应该是选择适当的消除/等待期的决定性因素.
  • Benefit period: What benefit period should be selected? 由于长期的医疗残疾可能会在经济上造成毁灭性的打击,一个人应该选择一个 long-term benefit where possible. Some companies offer lifetime benefit periods, 但短至24个月至60个月的期限也可以选择.

Types of disability contracts


  • Business overhead expense: Covers expenses such as staff salaries, rent, telephone, utilities, 医疗事故pp王者电子官网及维持营业所必需的其他费用.
  • Key person disability: 补偿企业损失的关键员工,并允许为临时替代或培训继任者提供资金.
  • Disability buyout: 提供收入以资助因股东/企业主完全残疾而触发的买卖协议. 支付的形式可以是一次性付款、按月分期付款或两者结合.

Caution: 高薪员工应该了解许多团体长期残疾政策中的支付上限. 而一些项目将提供工资的60%或66%的残疾收入, many have a relatively low dollar limitation, such as $3,000 per month.

Note: State Farm® 不提供商业间接费用或伤残买断pp王者电子官网.

1 “自己的职业”一般指被pp王者电子官网人目前的职业. 自身对残疾的职业定义可能不适用于所有职业或专业.

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State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
Bloomington, IL

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